On the weekend of April 17th-19th, Felix Colonnieves, Alex Mata and Paul Reynoso helped lead a Navs Military Hispanic Summit in Tucson, AZ. The summit provided opportunities to interact with the Hispanic culture. The participants enjoyed Hispanic-specific food, worshiped at a Spanish-speaking church of one of the local airmen, and even enjoyed the cross-cultural themed movie, “McFarland”. Local staff that attended came out of the time together with a better understanding of the need Hispanics have in the military — how compassion flows out of understanding people’s needs. One attendee even expressed that “the Kingdom of God transcends ethnicity, and yet celebrates ethnic flavor.”
The active duty military personnel are comprised of 33% Hispanics, Asians and African Americans. How will God use the Navigators to reach these “nations within our Nation?” Please join the military leaders and NavVida in praying that God would raise up Hispanic laborers in the military ministries, and that God would stir up the hearts of a few of the military Nav staff to focus on ministering to Hispanics.