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As I visited with our ministry leader over breakfast the other morning, he made a strong statement, “Ken, you have a unique ministry among a group of people hidden from most of us in the body of Christ, but you are a rotten communicator!” He is right on both counts. God has given Carmen and I a wonderful opportunity to take the gospel to a people group largely unreached. While God has gifted me to communicate spiritual truth in Spanish and English, I am unfortunately a terrible communicator to those who support us and care for us. I’m committed to doing a better job at that.

As our ministry leader pointed out, God has gifted us with many friends among recent Spanish-speaking immigrants who have no real knowledge of God or His Word. Since many of our friends have never read the Bible, it takes time for them to understand the gospel and to make a commitment to Christ. In God’s grace over the past years, many of them have believed in Him and are now living transformed lives in Christ here in the Raleigh/Durham area. Among those whose lives are being transformed, we now have a core group who are at the stage that they can really help others. We are passing on to them what we have learned over a lifetime of ministry. In the picture below is our core ministry team, from left to right: Carmen, my wife; Arsenio, Gabriel, Maria, Alejandro and Victoria. Not pictured – Ruth) This team is actively reaching out to their family and friends with the gospel. They are living out John 15: 4,5 as they are in intimate communion with Jesus and represent Him to their world.

God continues to use Carmen and I in His work. At one point this year, our ministry shepherd asked us to count how many Bible studies we were leading. Upon doing so we discovered that God had given us 9 different weekly studies with Latinos who are hungry to know Christ and His Word. We marvel at God’s grace, that He would motivate so many people to desire Him and allow us to participate in their search for God.


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